... ...
School is starting huh??
After tomorrow you guys will have to go to school again^^
I'm bad aren't I??
I just over heard my mum telling my brother
"Hey, tomorrow you'll have to sleep at 8pm"
"Huh?? Really?? Why??"
"You'll have to go to school remember?"
"But why does she (me) have to go to school? Your holiday is soooo long!"
And I was smirking evilly in front of the computer^^
And you guys think it's fun sitting at home and doing nothing??
Seriously, it's not as good as it looks...
You end up rotting...
Even dying due to boredom...
When I have school I complain;
When I have holiday I complain...
Seriously, I think I should get a job...
Oh and btw, those drawings below were done by me when I was in primary school
(Year 5 & 6 I think)
Some were done when I was in Form 1 or so...
Enjoy or puke if you like...
But instead I made it look like a rundown village...
... ...
I think this was done when I was in Form 2 or so...
I think... It's not finished yet... I think??
This is the latest one...
I drew it last year during the mid-term holidays^^
Like it??
Big difference huh??
I drew it last year during the mid-term holidays^^
Like it??
Big difference huh??
i like d 1st n last 1.
u r oso lookin 4 job too?
Me n yik yee hv a few jobs in mind but not yet havin a decision. my mom said i hv at least go get a drivin lesson 1st.
= = green plants around pyramind..
that's good..at least you did much more then i do when I was the same age...
Nate River:
Well if you find a job remember to let me know, I don't really care bout the money... I just want something to do during this lonnnggg holiday and it would be better if there was someone to accompany me... ^^
Oh T___T Haha... Didn't realise it last time... Hehe... Actually I have loads more but these were the only ones that were fit to see the living daylight^^
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