This is a random post
I really can't find time to update this blog anymore...
Since we Form 6 have to go home at 4:00pm!!!
Its extremely tiring!!!
I oppose strongly to it!
But hell, who'll wanna listen to the whining of a 18-year-old-girl
= =
This post consists of the things that have happened within this week...
I found out the death of Michael Jackson when my violin teacher told me...
I was a bit shocked but not really affected by it...
I'm not a cold heartened person...
But I was not a fan and didn't know much bout him
But I'll still like to express my condolences...
My mum bought it...
Cause the old one was our of repair...
I kept having problems with the old one...
This new one is way too huge...
Luckily I wasn't the one who paid for it...
Bye bye...
I asked Kor Yan to snap their picture...
So sweet but I feel a bit like puking...
Last week I was busy with this side project of mine...
To decorate out
I stayed up late just for this!!!!
P/s: My classroom is really horrible...
I'll try to take a picture of it next time... if I dare = =
The MUET essay I just finished...
Quite satisfied with it^^
Its about materialism...
I'm really worried bout MUET's writing paper...
Yup that's me...
The mask my mum bought for me cause I have to go to KL
But unfortunately I didn't wear it cause no one else did
But on the way back from the tuition center to Titiwangsa...
I did...
And everyone was looking at me as if I had sprouted 10 extra limbs...
= =
That's about it...
The things 'interesting things' that happened this last week...
Actually there's a lot more...
But unfortunately, it'll take years to type...
Cheers :)
owh~sweet couple~haha
by the way
nice handmade solgans~
i like the "be happy" one~
omg, we have a common com mon( computer monitor)!
wao~sweet couple...hug so tide...hahaha.....
Arliexzter Szereal
OMG... Really?!
Yalo... Haizzz...
Is it a Samsung 2233 SW by chance?
I'm a Samsung monitor user too, though in 4:3, not widescreen.
Erm... Sorry I have no idea what it is... = ='''
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