This post MIGHT have nothing to do with its title.
XP Bleh.
I was just wondering how am I supposed to type my blog post.
I just have tooooooo much to tell.
Since I haven't posted my holidays up here.
Just too much to tell.
Well, lets get on with it then.
==========❤ My mum brought me lostsa candies ❤==========
Yup. Candies. And loads of them.
My mum told me that all those candies made up most up the weight of her luggage.
How much? This much.
A whole bag of candies.
Its true. Believe it or not. This is only part of it.
Endless sweets pouring out.
Feels like Charlie and the Chocolate Factory all over again.
Some from England and some from the duty free shops.
Some for my aunt. My mum's school. Friends.
And so the list goes way on.
(Nah not really)
From the duty free.
Truffles sounds really cute.
If we get another hamster, remind me to name it Truffles~❤
I haven't even tried all. YET.
= ='''
And chocolates.
With all kinds to choose from.
I was curious about this.
So I asked my mum to bring some back.
Its sticky and sweet with coatings of chocolate and raisins.
Its called Turkish Delight~
Very sweet and melts in your mouth.
I read about licourice in Septimus Heap.
So I asked for some.
It tastes a bit WEIRD.
But still the colourful ones are good.
The table full of goodies.
The sandwich my mum taught us to make.
Using ingredients she bought from England which I forgot their names.
It tasted superb!
10 thumbs up.
If I have 10.
Sandwich making process.
=====Enough with the food and on with glittery stuff.=====
=====Enough with the food and on with glittery stuff.=====
That should be your reaction.
Cause mine was.
WOW. again.
This is actually a belated b'day present to me from my mum's godfather.
Love it. ❤ and you^^
Thanks a lot.
And please don't ask me the price. Please.
It made my jawdrop.
= =+
N for NING.
My mum got this for me~
Loving it.
But unfortunately I don't really wear necklaces.
I'll try to though.
My mum got this for me~
Loving it.
But unfortunately I don't really wear necklaces.
I'll try to though.
I made it yesterday.
to decorate my table at school. Maybe.
I love it^^
First handmade, recycled 'something' in year 2010.
= =+
We were having Accounts today. 3 periods in a row.
And you might as well say rub a dub dub three periods in a row.
= ='''
I wasn't really paying attention to the teacher.
(But I did in the end.)
I drew this while the teacher was explaining and when he gave us 'take 10'.
Its really late.
10.30pm is considered late during school days.
So sayonara.
I'll update. FAST. If I'm not busy.
Smile for me.
like ur very 1st pic.
u look so cute wearing ur hair like tat^^
wah, so many chocs!
yer all the chocolates look so good
giv me some giv me some
Turkish Delight, Fudge..etc. i want
Thanks^^ Glad you liked it~
Yeah, you can say that. I still have heaps of chocolate bars lying in the fridge waiting to be eaten by yours truly.
I see see first lar.
ai yo yo... you draw the exercise paper until like that.. worst than me when secondary school.. XD ahahahha
but i like the recycle handmade thingy :D
Haha. Cause I wasn't in the mood so I doodled around.
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