!! You have been forewarned that this is a late post!!
Our class party is already over.
Pra-U KA2 planned to have a class party on the 31st of July.
A Saturday.
And we had to make all sorts of preparations for it.
Collecting money, selecting the location, activities, attire...etc.
We decided the proper location and stuff by voting.
Hey, we're a democratic country!
At first we thought about just having dinner at a restaurant or something simple like that...
But then after the vote we ended up going to the Rest House which turned out to be quite fun^^
Well that's another story...
I'll tell you later if I'm in the mood to do so.
Well anyway we had all sorts of preparations.
Here's the proof.
Our class party is already over.
Pra-U KA2 planned to have a class party on the 31st of July.
A Saturday.
And we had to make all sorts of preparations for it.
Collecting money, selecting the location, activities, attire...etc.
We decided the proper location and stuff by voting.
Hey, we're a democratic country!
At first we thought about just having dinner at a restaurant or something simple like that...
But then after the vote we ended up going to the Rest House which turned out to be quite fun^^
Well that's another story...
I'll tell you later if I'm in the mood to do so.
Well anyway we had all sorts of preparations.
Here's the proof.
Saving the slide show which took sooooo long~
And the process of making it was even longer...
= =
Can you believe that I spent a whole day completing it.
From 4:30pm to 1:30 am.
But it was certainly worth it^^
And this, this is something very special for our class teacher^^
This is actually a handmade CD cover.
Made by Lingky^^
This is just the front.
And tada!~
The inside of it!!
The lady bugs were super expensive!!
And that disc is contains the slide show I made.
Which was really troublesome to burn.
But luckily Jeremiah helped.
This is done by Shao Min aka Nate River~
Thumbs up to you!!
Idea by SR
Line Art by NR
Coloring by SR & NR
Words and editing by SR
It came out much better than I thought!
Can you make one for me as a birthday present?

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