Friday, February 11, 2011

English is back for now.

Hi ya~

This blog post will be in English.
Haha XD

Ms. River blogged about 'three minute hotness' in her blog,
well that got me thinking.

Am I such a person?
I mean do I do things halfway through and after some time I forget about it and move on to another and the cycle repeats itself?

No, not really.
I mean, if I really like a person or something,
I'll continue doing or liking it.

Well to be frank,
except for keeping a diary.

I started writing a diary entry on the 21th of December last year.
And then I continued on the 22th.
The last one shorter than the last.
And after that,


Yup, no follow ups. None.

For some reason,
I can't keep a proper diary.
It's sorta boring.
And I'll have to write it everyday at night.
My god.
No way am I going to do that.

I remember when I was a little girl,
my mum used to force me to write a diary entry every night before I slept.
She really FORCED me to do it.
Until I could not stand it,
this was what I wrote.

'Today, I read a book. It was very interesting.'

Yup, that's all.
I'd write the same old grandmother story for days.
With alterations of course.

P/s: I'll try to keep my blog posts in English or in Chinese.
I will try to not mix 2 languages in one post.


Nate River said...

Because you don't want to be me. I so used to being malaysian-ish.
做人要忠于母语---〉malaysian-ish language mar

Anonymous said...

我看不到你写什么 = = 好辛苦

Jacky Khor said...

Then, I have forgotten my mother.
Not something to be proud of.