What is 拜年 in English??
Actually we planned our whole schedule properly dy...
But some people...
This morning was a horrible mess.
I was still in Raub this morning.
And we had to rush all the way to bentong.
= =
Cause my mum + all the adults were very very mo~
Slow pokes.
I almost exploded.
Cause I was supposed to be in Bentong at around 10am.
But we only started our journey around 9.45am!
If only I could drive~
Well anyway.
When I reached home,
it was already 10:15am.
= =
And Mr Khor said he'll pick me up around 10:30am.
It was horrible.
My Gawd.
I don't want to rush again.
============ Enough with the ramblings ===========
Let's take a look at our photos^^
Mr Khor was the driver.
The car didn't really suit him.
You'll have to see for yourselves.
Cause the car was to big.
And he's so small.
Thanks for fetching me and driving us all around ❤
First stop. Lian Seong's house~Where we ate some very delicious vegetarian dishes^^
2 thumbs up~
Thank you very much Pn. Yap^^

Kah Wuan + Kor Yan~
= ='''
How do I explain this.
That's a snake on Elie's head.
A rubber one. Don't worry.
Actually this snake is Mr Khor's.
He wanted to use this to scare us girls.
But unfortunately.
It didn't even work on me.= =
Second stop.
Chai Yee's house~
We were being really very noisy there.
Like that then only like Chinese New Year mah~Chai Yee told me.
We really had fun talking^^
But some people... haizzz...

= ='''
Chai Yee.
Your sleeve will fall off lar.
Next stop.Sweet Li's house~This photo is a bit too bright.
But I like it^^

Group photo~

Don't even bother to look.
I'm not in there.

Not in here too~

The boys...

The sweet sweet couple.
❤So sweet I'm going to have diabetes.
❤I love this picture^^
Cause there's a 'ghost' at the back, in the corner.
Can you spot her?
P/s: That's me.
Me and that 'flower beautiful boy' (Read in Chinese)
= =

Next stop.Ah Chai's house.If I know how to upload photos on fb.
I would have tagged this photo.

He's house was sooooo~ crowded.

What o?
The mouth = =

Sexy, pretty and juicy :)Sorry Lian lian + Pui Yen^^
I just couldn't resist.

Mr Khor.
Always so 'so heng'
Have to go home early.

Pretty Kah Wuan^^

Me + Chai Yee.
P/s: I really look like a 'dian po'= =

Me Cam whoring for the first time with my buds~

... ... ...


Chai Yee's look alike^^
Really looks like you leh~
Your daughter r?
Next stop.
Kar Yong's HUGE house.I think I skipped Soo's and Pui Yen's house.

Everyone was sooooo~ tired
When we arrived at Kar Yong's ENORMOUS house.
Everyone was grumbling.
We were very hungry!And FYI, eating cookies and drinking packet drinks is not enough.
Luckily Kar Yong's mum so such a GREAT cook!!
10 thumbs up ❤Those vegetarian dishes were superb^^
I want to go again next year
❤Thank you Kar Yong's mum~

The entrance.
This is kinda random.


Wei, what r u girls doing?
Want to berak r?

Going home.

Flower beautiful Boy.
Wei, what r u looking at?

Kor Yan driving us home~~~
Thanks Kor Yan for being our driver^^
❤BFFs.That's all^^
Actually we took a lot more photos.
But there're in Kar Yong's camera.
And I bet we won't be receiving them until next year's CNY.
Faster upload all those photos lar~
I want to see our 'family photo'
✿A happy happy Chinese New Year to you all~:)