Thursday, December 25, 2008


This post is kinda late...
It's almost past Christmas...
But anyway it's better late than never right??


Merry Christmas!!


Christmas actually doesn't mean much to me...
I quote IceGlacial,
Christmas is just a day on the calendar...
My family don't really celebrate Christmas...
What a pity^^

My friends invited me to a self organized Christmas party (sort of)
They said that there will be gifts to be exchanged, cakes to be cut...

Not to me...
I was still debating with myself whether or not to go to the party...

In the end, I decided not to...
I wasn't in the mood...
Since I just came home from Raub and I didn't prepare any presents...
That's part of my reason
And besides I was too lazy...

Instead I went to Vega Mall with my mum^^
On the way
she told me that she might be taking us to KL again to watch

Bedtime Stories!!!!

I've been dying to watch that movie when Disney Channel started advertising it!!!

I wanna see Bugsy^^

"Then it started raining gum balls."

"Then it started raining gum balls?"

'It's a bedtime story, anything could happen^^"


But that's just a big maybe...


Merry Christmas^^


Ryo Helmenkalastaja said...

Merry Christmas too! Same thing here, i posted my Christmas post a lil' LATE, haha.

And i know that i've said this numerous times, but oh well..

Merry Christmas! XD.

Mind me adding you on msn?

DSYF said...

Merry Christmas~!!! =D

Spiral Riynn said...

Merry Christmas^^

IceGlacial: I don't mind^^

Nate River said...

i HATE u.

Spiral Riynn said...

Nate River: I don't mind^^ I love mtself and that's more than enough^^