I'm not here because I drift with the tide of fate, I'm here because I chose to be here...
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Dead hamster....
Erm... I think he was sick and he was weak all over for a few days and yesterday went I came home form school my brother told me that it stopped breathing... Pitiful thing and to think Twinkle Toes was so adorable... Haizzz... Well, that's the circle of life, ain't it??
We thought Furball had probably contracted the diseases or what ever it was so we seperated the two of them... We thought Furball would be lonely so my mom bought another one... At first it was named Jingle then I changed it name to Ginger, sounds cutier... I don't think Furball likes the new comer... They fight!!!!!!! And Ginger makes squeky noises... What a pair... If I get another one I'll call it Cupcake or Chocolate Truffle or even Raspberry pie... Hehe...
But, Twinkle Toes, no one can ever replace you!!!!!!!!! We buried Twinkle Toes in our front yard which looked nothing like a yard but is actually a tiny piece of earth full of wild weeds... Haizzz....
Goodbye Twinkle Toes, may you rest in peace... I'll always remember you!!!!!!!! @.@
29th of October...
Anyway, my mom bought a chocolate cheese cake for my brother... Blahh...
Chocolate + cheese?? Not in a million years.... How is one supposed to taste the mixed flavours of salty and sweet on a cake?? I for one do not agree with this weird taste!! No way... But I did try some... At least my fruit cake was better...
There wasn't much really... My mom and I sand the happy burpday song... and the usual procedure which if you do it every once a year turns out pretty boring... Anyway I was rushing for my Chinese tuition at 8pm...
This should be written in past tense since it was over long ago.... 'Happied Birthdaied' hahahahahaha... Silly brother...
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
... ...
from W.I.T.C.H.
Venue or Revenue??
Well my classmates and I recognized part of the word and assumed it had the same meaning as 'venue'... Blahh... I can't believe I thought the same too...
Then the teacher told us to read it carefully and then she wrote this on the board...
venue = place
revenue = ??
... Then one of my friends blurted out, " Well duh, its replace..." Our teacher was speechless, and we were laughing like hell... Get it?? "Replace"?? This seemed like simple logic, indeed it was, kinda like solving an equation in Math... But... this was a language lesson... Hahaha... Sometines English is extremely weird... (Read my old post>> Weird English for Lunatics
Actually, revenue meant income, especially that which the government receives as tax... Hehe...
Nut cracker...
Today is of course a school day as usual, no more fun holiday for us Form 5 s... Haizzz... But as you all know, well at least Malaysians, that a few days ago was Deepavali, right?? Our big friend Abhiram decided to bring some India goodies or cuisines of you can call it that for us as a treat... =.=
At first I did not know about it until my friends started munching away in class, when the teacher was teaching!!!!!!! Oh my Gawd!!! It certainly has become a habit for our class... Sad... There was muruku and a plastic jar of what do you call... er... rock solid cookies?? Yes?? I don't know what were they called but my friends exclaimed that whatever they were, tasted extremely awful and spat then out top speed!!! It wasn't that bad... At least to me... Maybe there was something wrong with my taste buds... Well anyway, they tasted kinda like peanut and coconut shreds and gula Malacca mixed together... You don't get it?? Well never mind... At least it didn't taste that bad... +.+
Hehe... In the end there were only 2 left... But the 2 of those rounded cookies were sticking together like glue... like Siamese twins!!! Yep!!! They could not be separated!!!!! Imagine the type of batter used in them!!! They were solid rock!!!!!!!! So I decided to have a little fun... I asked my classmates to try to separate them by shaking only and without opening the cover... and if they succeeded I was to pay then RM5...I wonder what possessed my to place a stupid bet like that!!! Oh what the hell... Well I was quite bored and it was fun seeing my classmates shake the harmless cookies like hell!!@.@
Hehe... I was sure, very sure that they would fail to separate the Siamese twins... Unfortunately for me...=.= Haizzz... At the end of thet school day, my friend managed to break them open!!!!!! ARRRRRRRGHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!! Ah Chua!!!!! No!!!! You weren't supposed to separate them, they were meant to stick like elephant glue for all eternity, unless well until someone digests them!!!!!!!!! NNNNNNNOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!! My RM5!!!!!!! I don't wanna give them up.... *sob*
Why am I such a big mouth?? Why am I such a dummy??!!
Besides that bet I had another one with my friend and ended up losing too... Is it bad luck?? Yes?? Please say no...
Friday, October 24, 2008
Yay holiday??
Freaking SPM... It's crap, dung, dropping, stool, shit... You name it... Whatever... Getting back to reading the history of Nabi Muhammad... =.= Ermmm.... not supposed to talk about sensitive issues but what the hell!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Can't I get the information straight into my brain without having to memorize?? Like photographic memory!!! Yay, I want some!!!! =.=
Weird English for Lunatics
Let's face it--English is a crazy language. There is no egg in eggplant nor ham in hamburger; neither apple nor pine in pineapple. English muffins weren't invented in England or French fries in France. Sweetmeats are candies while sweetbreads, which aren't sweet, are meat.
We take English for granted. But if we explore its paradoxes, we find that quicksand can work slowly, boxing rings are square and a guinea pig is neither from Guinea nor is it a pig.
And why is it that writers write but fingers don't fing, grocers don't groce and hammers don't ham? If the plural of tooth is teeth, why isn't the plural of booth beeth? One goose, two geese. So one moose, two meese? One index, two indices? One Kleenex, two Kleenices?
Doesn't it seem crazy that you can make amends but not one amend, that you comb through annals of history but not a single annal? If you have a bunch of odds and ends and get rid of all but one of them, what do you call it?
If teachers taught, why didn't preachers praught? If a vegetarian eats vegetables, what does a humanitarian eat? If you wrote a letter, perhaps you bote your tongue?
Sometimes I think all the English speakers should be committed to an asylum for the verbally insane. In what language do people recite at a play and play at a recital? Ship by truck and send cargo by ship? Have noses that run and feet that smell? Park on driveways and drive on parkways?
How can a slim chance and a fat chance be the same, while a wise man and wise guy are opposites? How can overlook and oversee be opposites, while quite a lot and quite a few are alike? How can the weather be hot as hell one day and cold as hell another?
Have you noticed that we talk about certain things only when they are absent? Have you ever seen a horseful carriage or a strapful gown? Met a sung hero or experienced requited love? Have you ever run into someone who was combobulated, gruntled, ruly or peccable? And where are all those people who ARE spring chickens or who would ACTUALLY hurt a fly?
You have to marvel at the unique lunacy of a language in which your house can burn up as it burns down, in which you fill in a form by filling it out and in which an alarm clock goes off by going on.
English was invented by people, not computers, and it reflects the creativity of the human race (which, of course, isn't a race at all). That is why, when the stars are out, they are visible, but when the lights are out, they are invisible. And why, when I wind up my watch, I start it, but when I wind up this essay, I end it.
No wonder the English language is so very difficult to learn:
We polish the Polish furniture.
He could lead if he would get the lead out.
A farm can produce produce.
The dump was so full it had to refuse refuse.
The soldier decided to desert in the desert.
The present is a good time to present the present.
At the Army base, a bass was painted on the head of a bass drum.
The dove dove into the bushes.
I did not object to the object.
The insurance for the invalid was invalid.
The bandage was wound around the wound.
There was a row among the oarsmen about how to row.
They were too close to the door to close it.
The buck does funny things when the does are present.
They sent a sewer down to stitch the tear in the sewer line.
To help with planting, the farmer taught his sow to sow.
The wind was too strong to wind the sail.
After a number of Novocain injections, my jaw got number.
I shed a tear when I saw the tear in my clothes.
I had to subject the subject to a series of tests.
How can I intimate this to my most intimate friend?
I spent last evening evening out a pile of dirt.
Cut and pasted from
Yay! Hamster ville!!!

The cuteness!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ermm... My mom sorta got two hamsters for my bro and me... Hehe... Hamsters?? Yeah you saw it right... Cute little buggers, they are...
My mom took my bro to a pet shop and bought the two cuties plus cage which were around RM 65 yes?? Oooooo... So cute!! Arghhhh!!!!!! The cuteness!!!!!!!!!! There was a gi-normous one, obviously a female and I named it Furball... Furball!!!! The other one?? a male called Twinkle Toes... Hehe... Good name, eh??
Furball meet Twinkle Toes, Twinkle Toes meet Furball!!!
Well I can't wait till they mate, the natural process... Twinkle Toes is wriggling around my thigh as I type...Hehe shoo!! Get off!!
I wanna see cute babey hamsters... Offspring Yay Biology... I'm thinking of dissecting one...*Evil laugh* So there you go the cute little buggers...
Photos, photos, coming through!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Photo taking maniacs here they come!!!!!!! What are you doing?? Using an illegal camera in school!!!

Okay, even the boys are wanna be models... =.=iii

Let's cut it like we have never cut a cake before! Hooray!!

Whoa gross much??!!!!

You guys can be the cast of High School Musical Tempatan... ...

Moral teacher... What are you all doing??!!!!!

I have nothing to say... ... Bunch of maniacs...

Class room = rubbish dump...
Rubbish dump = class room...
Ain't I right??
Crazy class = 5sn?? Great equation!!!
Thursday, October 23, 2008
I dun wanna dump my shirts!!!!!
I don't wanna throw my clothes away... coz I like them... and what am I gonna wear if I throw them away...
Other mini sized burstdey party??
Do you know what am I saying?? No?? Yep, me too...
Hehehe... So... After the class/birthday party, my friends of the gang decided that the 1 party wasn't enough and decided to have another mini one at my house... Well mini as in only 4 people plus me and family... Huh?? Tiny much?? Haizzz... Sooo I'm waiting now loh... sambil watching W.I.T.C.H.. Very interesting, superb story line, great characters, shocking twists, and creative baddies!!!!
So, I'm waiting, still waiting for them to show up... *sob*
Yay and finally they show up!!!! Sweet, Pig, Yik Yee, n two tiny baby hamsters!!! Cute, but sadly not for me... *sob* Haizzz... Anyway, they came!!! With pasta too... Coz I didn't prepare any food... Hehehe... Thanks Sweet Li... Hehe... It was very tasty, tremendous, faboulistic...
So... we decided to play a game when Chai Yee arrived... Ermm... Sorry I left you outside... Hehe... I couldn't hear her calling for me, well I did but I thought it was a cat's miao, really! Luckily my mom told me there was someone calling for me... Hehe... sorry lo...
Back to the game... Have you ever heard your mom say, "Don't play with your food!" ? Yes?? Well indeed we played with our food... My mom seemed to agree with the our crazy idea... It was Sweet's idea by the way... We used a deck of cards and there were a variety of leftovers... the noodles, the pasta sauce, grapes, dragonfruit, biscuits and nuts... Bah!! There were six of us(then 1 went off) so 5 of us had to choose be the boss and say what were the others supposed to eat... Do you understand?? No?? Well...Me too...
First, one person will be the boss, holding the deck of cards. Next, the boss will give the rules, eg: those who pick odd numbers have to eat a whole dragon fruit... Haha... Then, the others have to be lucky enough until they don't choose an odd number card... So, there... A new game...
After the game, we were bloated... Why?? Because everyone had at least eaten 3 mouthfuls of noodles WITHOUT SAUCE!!! Oh Gawd!!! That was so... Arghhhh!!! Bloated and bursting full, we decided to bring out my CAKE!!! Yay!!! Fruit cake... They lighted the candles and sang the birthday song, the usual procedure and blah, blah, blah... Then?? I had to bite out the candles one by one with my mouth!!! Wah!!! GROSSS??!! I did it anyway and was pushed by the hyper pig and ended up with a nose-full of icing... Hehe...
The cutting cake ceremony... Ermmm... They said they were full mah... So I cut small slice one loh... Small as in very small... Cause they were grumbling ma, what with all the noodles and dragon fruit... In the end, everyone including my mom got extremely small slices of cake and only a quarter of the 1kg cake was finished... Hehehe... I gave Yik Yee icing only, hehe... For fun mah... Don't be mad la...
I got 5 presents from my mom... Small one la of course(including the box) A watch, a notebook, a phone pouch that is way too small for my phone, a piggy decoration thingy and a card from my bastard brother(if we are really blood related) I even received 6 colourful pom-poms from the pig and a 'Z' necklace from Wong Suet Li... Thank you thank you sooooooooooooo much...
That's the overall summary for my mini burpdey party...
Ma burpday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ya ya we get it, it's your burpday!!!!! Yay!!!!!!!!!!!!
Actually... It was so much of a coincidence that the class party fell on my birthday... 23rd of October!!!!!!!! Yay me!!!!!!!!!!! So everything was prepared by our 'darling' bendahari... Jin Kit... and the rest of the class. Somehow he was the busiest one, what with collecting money and stuff and holding unofficial meetings with other members of the class... So I hereby say thank you to you and let you know we all appreciate it... whether you're viewing my blog or not... So thank you!!!!!!!!! And to the rest thank you all for cooperating... I'm beginning to sound like the hostess *sweatdrop*
Well the fine day started when I awoke and remembered suddenly that it was my birthday... I checked my cellphone and saw 4 messages... from Aina, Jeremiah, Ah Foo and Uncle Ron(my mom's godfather). When I got to school I was soooo embarrassed to be wished Happy Birthday by my friends... My face must be as red as a tomato... I got four presents... Kinda... A puzzle from the monitor, Yik Yee, a handmade mickey mouse thingy from BoboYan and biscuits?? from Sweet and wet tissue paper from Jolly??... Haizzz... these presents kinda unexpected... Weird in fact... Wet tissue?? Well thanks anyway... I do appreciate it since you guys went to all the trouble in getting 'gifts' for me...
The party started around recess which was probably 11:oo something... So... But I wasn't there... *sob* Yik Yee, Sweet, Pig and I had to go deliver the invitation cards to the teachers... I made all 10 cards myself!!! Yay me... Then we had to go fetch the cake... The enormous 3kg cake!!!!!!! But unfortunately... The person was late, very late. We waited at the gazebo(pondok) for 30 minutes!!! Haizzz... Very impatient la... Then the man came... Yessss!!! Finally!!!!!!! In the end due to his lateness we got a discount... Good??
So after the four of us took turns in taking the cake up to the 3rd floor(our classroom) we found our classmates munching quietly away... The was a kind of weird atmosphere... Awkward... Yes... Very... There were already 3 teachers there... Pn. Wong, Pn. Nair and En. Tan... Very awkward... and not to mention too quiet for our class which usually is in a state of chaos. So... Luckily Chai Yee spared some food for us, we were as hungry as cannibals?? I could even eat a horse... Well not really.. Hehe.
And the party progressed with lots of photos taken.. Did I mention that my classmates are something like photo-taking-maniacs?? They poised and poised and snapped and snapped until the cameras went out of battery... Kidding... They even talked me into taking stupid pictures. Oh Gawd my photos will be all over the net by tomorrow... My Gawd!!!!! How I hate my photos taken...
Ta~da!!!! The cutting cake ceremony... I was so embarrassed when Pn. Nair said, " I want to see you cut the cake..." and when Pn. Wong said, " It's your Birthday rrr?? Happy Birthday Zhi Ning!" My Gawd!!!!! I was sweating like hell and blushing like mad... Then the sang the happy birthday song in 4 languages... Embarrassed much?? At least they didn't ask me to bite out the candle!! Or slap my face into the cake!!! Hehe... Lucky me...
I dunno how thought about the votting thing but the class ended up tossing their votes to the most beautiful, most handsome and funniest... Bah... Waste of precious time... You think pilihan raya meh?? Guess what? I got the funniest student title... Blah... I'm I really funny?? You better say no!!!!!!! In the end I got 2 cheapo sijil made by the bendahari... One because I was the funniest and the other because it was my birthday?? Huh??
So... As a conclusion... I have nothing to say... Weirdest birthday ever...
Photos again...

5 science hehe... Banyak cantik ooo... Made by Asma...

Wah Shobna jual mee rrr???

Aiyo... Don't play play la... Cannot flirt with your teacher la... (Chemistry teacher...)

Tengok apa?? cepat makan la!!!

Cik Yusni... Bio teacher... Always get bullied by Abhiram... Haizz... Our class...

En Tan... you also eat cake 1 rrr???

Hehe... Me and Shao Min and Sweet... Dun wan la... Very hodoh rrr...

Kolam ikan macam bentuk muka orang tua... macam tengkorak juga.... Heehee

Hehe... My hand... Coz my birthday ma... So I get to cut lo...

Me... The chubby one...*sweatdrop* And the middle one is Chai Yee and the other is piggy Mok... Hehehe

Photos of Birthday & Class Party grabbed from Asma...

The cake... Or my cake?? Hehe, my birthday ma... This is indeed the largest cake I have seen... and the biggest source of sugar which leads to obesity... high blood pressure... high calories...

What are you doing?? Cutting the cake vertically??

Where's the cake??!!! I can only see hands??

Cannibals-wanna-be... Nah eat cake only la... Let's dig in!!!

Crazy classmates... Photo-taking-maniacs... Wei, knock knock... You do realise SPM is only days away??

Hehe Inggeris teacher... Pn. Nair... The sponser of the very large cake...

Blow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! @.@

Class monitor... Writing on the blackboard... Aiyo.. No need la...

Ermmm... After... The cake's size has kinda diminished... Yes?? RM100 something flew off... Haizzz... Aiyo really big appetite la 5sn...

Sejarah teacher... Pn Wong... And the ladies of our class. Obviously I'm not in there...

What are you trying to do with the cake?? It can't breathe!!!

Ermmm... These are some of the photos... Grabbed without permission from our beloved Asma...Hehe... Really, our class is the source of chaos... People studing, we partying... (sweatdrop) *sigh*
Monday, October 20, 2008
Prepositions?? what the hell is that??
So there I was doing the darn thing!! And guess what I got only 26 out of 36!!! Crap, rubbish, garbage!!! Imagine, me getting 10 mistakes!!! Argghhhh!!!! I hate grammar!!! And there I was I remembered when our 'beloved' teacher asked our opinion on what to do the next lesson... I was the only one that said 'essay' and I got the idea rejected by the whole class... "NO!!!!!!!!!!" Now? They are suffering from the evil grammar exercises... =.=
Grammar is evil, I tell you...
And by the way, do foreigners learn grammar?? Yes?? Leave me a comment... Thanks >.~
Saturday, October 18, 2008
Here comes the boring weekend~
Weekend as in Saturday or Sunday equals to boring??
Yes?? For me the answer is yes and no... No, because I have to cram cram cram for SPM!!! Currently revising Sejarah and Modern Math... Hehe... Will start my weakest subject sometime later.. Have to start reading 'The Pearl' and komsas again... Haizzz...
Wish I had more time... More or less 25 days to go... The dreaded and greatly feared SPM!!! What a stupid exam... Haizzz... =.= If this keeps up, I may faint...
My cousin told me some time ago that eating raisins and drinking plain water helps with our brain, does it?? Something about improving our memory, think her teacher told her and so... I did that when I had my PMR... I think it kinda helped... At least I managed to scrap full As... But this time it might be a hell lot different...
I remember my friend was going around the class asking everyone what did they think they would get for SPM... I thought for quite a while and said, "Less than 11 of course, maybe around 8 or 9 gua..." Dunno is it for sure la...
I take 11 subjects... I think I'll get a definite A1 for English... The other subjects??
BM >> A1 gua...
BC >> Impossible to get A1... Maybe C or D gua...
Moral >> A1?? Yes??
SJ >> A1... maybe... Okay la this subject cause I love memorizing...Hehe...
MM >> B3 maybe...If the level is lower I might even scrap an A2.
EST >> A1... but a lot of pp said that it was difficult to score... =.=
Bio >> A1?? Or maybe A2?? Can la...
Now it turns worse... My three main weakness... Haizzz...
FZ >> D7 LA... Don't wanna fail at least pass... Perhaps if the level is lower I might get credit...
MT >> Ermmm... Pass la(Cause level is extremely low)... Maybe get only 30 something marks... So have to work real hard...
CHE >> @#%$*@#$[CENSORED] This is the worse... haizzz... Might not even pass... I f that really happens at least it won't show on the Sijil... But hope can pass la...
I think I'm straying of the point... Well anyway... Weekends are S~U~P~E~R boring!!!
Friday, October 17, 2008
Away messages, Artemis's style...
I do not have the time for these foolish “chats.” I have fairy gold to steal.
At the risk of sounding clichéd, BRB.
Busy yelling at the waitress who offered me the children’s menu.
Away trying to capture the yet again escaped Opal Koboi.
I predict I will be back. Trust me, I haven’t been wrong yet.
Trying to prove that my bugs don’t have bugs.
Trapped in the Operation Booth. SOMEONE GET ME OUT!
Away making a sandwhich. It’s more difficult than it looks. ~Artemis Fowl
On Strike because nobody appreciates my extremely unique and helpful inventions.
I’m not here right now, but as Holly says, “I knew he’d be back. I knew it.”
“They accused me of murdering Julius. How can I stay? Don’t worry, old friend. I won’t be far away.”
“Busy. Currently kidnapping an elf.”
“Do not disturb. We have a serious situation above ground. First, I would like you all to stop all your yapping so I can hear myself think!”
“BRB. Off to grab some caviar [you can’t believe the stuff they feed us in Bartleby’s].”
I’m away, but be warned, Foaly sees all.
(I’m away. Leave me alone before Butler makes you.)This is currently my favourite!!!
Wrong number, ha!
If Artemis Were An Operating System…
NB - The operating system name used here is made-up, and in the interest of being unbiased, I’ve merged the names of the three most popular operating systems into one; “WinuX.” (Yes, it looks very much like Linux, but with a “W”. Well, that’s just my bad luck…)
WinuX Artemis: Extremely advanced processing system. WinuX Artemis is capable of carrying out highly complex arithmetic and logic tasks at astonishingly high speed. Unfortunately, the system is not very user friendly, and crashes when you attempt to play games on it.
WinuX Bulter: The most secure operating system on the planet. Viruses, worms and spyware simply do not stand a chance of penetrating this system’s defences. WinuX Butler’s prime focus is defence, but it also performs well with a number of first-person shooter games.
WinuX Foaly: This operating system comes loaded with extras, with utilities such as an e-mail tracer, firewall penetrator and signal jammer. The only drawback is that the “desktop assistant” is extremely annoying, arrogant and cannot be turned off. Even the infamous “paperclip” of Windows is pale in comparison.
WinuX Root: This system is no longer operational, and can no longer be purchased. When it was in use, WinuX Root was known for its problems with overheating the computer.
WinuX Opal: When first released, WinuX Opal seemed very promising, but a crucial flaw resulted in it being recalled. After two years of bug-fixing, WinuX Opal was released again, only to find several more bugs in its system. WinuX Opal seems to have been taken off the market indefinitely now.
Same website...
1. What is the difference between Mulch and Holly?
About 60 pounds.
2. How does Mulch take a bubble bath?
He goes digging through clay, about an hour in advance.
3. What do you get when you drop a piano on Trouble Kelp?
A flat major.
4. How do you make a centaur go ‘woof’?
Soak it in petrol and light it.
5. What is the thinnest book in the world?
Troll Psychology.
6. Why did Opal cross the road?
Forget the road!! How did she escape the LEP again???
7. What do you get when you cross an elf and a rhino?
8. What do you get if you cross Commander Root and Captain Holly Short?
9. What do you do if you find a troll in your bed?
Sleep somewhere else.
I got them from this website:
Enjoying the Time Paradox~~

That's not me!!!(So who ever is reading this can stop having the idea of me, like that!!!)
I think I'm kinda addicted to blogging now...
Is this a good thing or a bad thing??
When I see my life as a series of unfolding miracles, I'll always sail forth with hope, tranquility and joy in my heart. Quoted from Thomas Kinkade.
Sushi anyone??

This is way to cute to be eaten in one gulp!!!

I had a sudden craving for sushi... And I decided to look up the net for some colourful sushi pictures and stumbled across a few...Here's something different with sushi. Japanese sushi chef Ken Kawasumi, recreates Van Gogh’s Sunflowers with sushi. I’m wondering what Van Gogh’s (Sushi) Sunflowers will look like eight hours later when the fish aren’t as fresh…

Talk about gross?? Sushi on a naked babe?? Wanna puke??

Yum sushi...
Messy hair...
But... ...
... ... ...
... ...
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
When I got home, and looked in the mirror... I saw my curly hair all standing up!!! Arghhh!! My hair was a mess!!! Perhaps due to the strong wind or something...
I regretted to not tie my hair... *sob*
I can't believe my friend didn't tell me that... Imagine the people laughing at my hair... My mom used to say my hair looked like straw, and it still does... =.= Well, now it just looks like sea weed... Why did God give me curly hair??? Oh Gawd, how I hate my wild unruly straw hair...
*ps: I'm not a vain person but I like many others like myself to be tidy.*sigh*
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Comments, no??
~~~~~ This is so damn boring!!! Oh and by the way, I'm not that vulgar in real life so...
Leave a comment here or I'll find you and drop you into the pits of hell. Hehe... Or maybe I'll just make you the main course for my baby T-rex...
Akakakakakakakakakakakaka!!!!!!!!!! Comments... Badly needed...
Friggin Hot Weather...
Yesssssss!!!! It is!!!! I can't believe the temperature nowadays!!! It's much much higher than 30 degree celcius I bet... Is this the effect of global warming?? Or is earth gonna end up like the sun??
The temperature and weather sucks here... Well everything sucks here... lol...
I sweat a lot, more than an average person at least... You may even find me perspiring in the wee hours of the morning. I'm a sweaty kind of person... But now?? You can find me drenched in sweat e~v~e~r~y~d~a~y~!!! There are always sweat patches on my school pinafore and every T-shirt that I wear... It's like we're living in a microwave oven and I'm always sweating like a pig!!! Say, can't we turn the sun off??
Nowadays, we have to turn the fan to the highest speed and risk wasting away precious electricity... So what's my point?? My point is, stop illegal deforestation!!! Ban open burning!!! And dish out severe penalties to the offenders!!! I mean it!!! I'm not bluffing, cross my heart, drop a toenail in my coke! This is serious, global warming, extinctions, greenhouse effect, acid rain...Everything and we humans are the cause of it... Sooner or later we might be living in a rubbish dump with heat in the air, and the whole planet might be swallowed up and turned into a dessert... So?? Yes or no?? I'm not really an environmentalist or something, I just care about my precious life...
Someone try inventing a switch and turning off the sun, yes??
Sssssssooooooo hhhhhhhhhhhhhooooooooottttttttttttttttttt!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Death or Deaf??
Well, it started like this... I have Chinese tuition every Wednesday night at my friend's house(her mom's a teacher). We were doing our work whilst chatting away... And some how we managed to bring in the word death... I forgot how the conversation really started but here...
Actually it was I who said 'Death Note'... And since my English is a bit weird, those who have heard would understand... I pronounced the word 'Death' like 'Death~th' something like when your tongue touches the upper part of your mouth (or teeth) when you speak the word... I doubt you'll understand so lets move along... When I said it out loud, all I got in return was a loud reply from all 3 of my friends "It's deaffff~~!!! Not Death~th!!!"
I was like, huh? Deaf?? That's even worse... So was it death~th or deaff~?? Of course it was death~th!! I was so frustrated that I even asked my mom to confirm it... And her pronunciation was of course the same like mine... So haha, in your face!!
Btw, the conversation was in Chinese only the word 'death' was in Englishhhh~~... I know, my english accent is weirder than weird, but my mom taught me that, so to all who think my accent is weird, shove your nose off!!!
In the end we found out that the assistant monitor was pulling a prank on us... It was supposed to be motto not motor... What the?? My dear fellow friends, there's a big difference between motto and motor... *sigh*
Then I sank into dilemma again... What to write?? Those information were supposed to be put inside the year book and I wanted to inspire someone... There were simple ones like No pain no gain, Do your best and beat the rest... Those were just plain and boring and I doubt it would be inspiring....
Then my friend suggested Aurum Est Potestas or was it the other way around?? which meant Gold is Power from Artemis Fowl... Hello~~ What the the heck did we need gold for?? I came up with a few... But they were either too long or too emo-ish...
In the end I came up with this simple one... When words fail, music speaks which had nothing to do with our studies.. I might reconsider it...
I saw some funny mottos too... Like, don't die in Form 5?? Huh? Work hard for gold, glory and gospel, obsessed with Sejarah??
There were all kinds of weird stuff... Well they're creative aren't they...
Birthday present dilemma...
So here's the problem... My birthday is coming... it's next Thursday yay me!!
Then my friend came and asked me what did I want for my birthday?? I was like huh?? I had no idea... I'm quite satisfied with my life now and I can't think of anything to have... Unless you are able to grant me 3 wishes...
Books?? Nah... I think I have more than enough and I have a load of textbooks to study, so this is out...
Then what?? A cake?? My mom will buy one, no need too many cakes la...
Ermmmm... But dercorations is a big no no!!! I do not want a crappy penholder or cheapo music box. They eat up the space on my table... No!!!
Then... Clothes?? No... I'm fine with mine at the moment though I do realise I keeping dressing up in the same T-shirt... Anyway I would't count on other people's sense of style...
My friend even suggested lingerie... No no... In case it doesn't fit... Hahaha....
So?? I'm still thinking for something suitable... If you can leave a comment or just give it to me as a birthday present... Yes??
My inventions??
Time and tide, both untrustable; both grow weary, and neither wait...
It sounds kinda familiar with "time and tide wait for no man", right?? Hehehe...
A dream I once lived in, I longed to remember;
In the harsh cruel reality, I wished to forget.
Both like fake images, distorted and fragile.
If you were me, which would you choose??
This is not really a quote... Kinda like a poem... A short one... Hehehe... I was bored...
Logic is the reason and the answer to everything; but with magic, logic turns tragic...
This is inspired by Artemis Fowl's Minerva and Reason from Magic's Child...
Miracles are beyond logic, they carry no reason but bring great magic.
That's about it...
Happily Ever After... My foot!!!
Well... Cinderella, Sleeping Beauty, Ariel, Belle, Jasmine, Snow White... Why do they have to end the same way? Happily Ever After in a sort of girly romantic and untrue way?? Why lie to the audience?? Live isn't that perfect... You don't fall in love at first sight and remain in love forever and ever... Isn't it kinda false??
I mean look at Cinderella... How can she be that dumb to marry a man she hardly knew?? I think she only married him just because he was a prince and because he was filthy rich... How can you even determine your future partner by finding out whether she fits a size 3?? Get real man... This is the real life, not some crappy romantic story... To some maybe, but to me its only false images...
Snow white is even worse... The girl sleeps in a coffin and a prince comes by, then kisses her then they fall deeply in love... I'm not being sarcastic but this is the truth... If I were the prince, I wouldn't even dare to go near a dead body than to kiss a corpse...(Or rather deep deep coma which looks like she's dead, you know what I mean)
But, these movies do kinda provide entertainment for children... But me?? I would rather prefer movies that are less romantic and unreal... Not that I despise fantasies... I love fantasies but romance in fantasy is a big no no...
Bwahahahahahahaha.... But the baddies are kinda creative though...
What I do when i'm freaking bored...
Okay let's dive straight to the point. We had Malay today... A very, extremely, horribly boring lesson and to make matters worse, it was the last period... The teacher decided that our Malay wasn't good enough and gave us those freaking trial papers from other states... It was so terribly boring!!!
Then I started coming up with weird ideas... Hehehehehe... I started asking my friends all sorts of questions...
1) What would you do if you were the last person on earth???!!!
I got all sorts of silly answers... One of my friends said she would go to the White House?? What?? You can't even make your way out of Bentong and you expect to go overseas?? I mean it's not like she can fly a plane or something... That was the lousiest answer I got... Blah...
Well me, I think I'll just sit in a dusty corner and wait for my time to come?? Or roam the streets naked?? Hahaha...
2) If you were given 3 wishes what would you want??
Money?? I think that would be something everyone would choose... Well if I were the genie I would grant the person's wish by giving the person a job in a bank... Haha be more specific guys...
Perfect IQ AND EQ... Yes, that is something worth wishing for...
An entire collection of books, I mean every book that has ever existed... Muahaha...
Let's see there are actually more options. Superpowers? I wanna be telepathic. I wanna have wings. Yes I wanna FFLLLLYYYYY!!!! But right now, I just wish I can survive till SPM...
3) If you were given a choice... which would you choose? A crippled or a drug addict to be your partner for life??
Ermm... I think I'll rather be a nun, won't you?? Well in the end I choosed a crippled one... Well I hope I won't have to make this choice in real life...
4) If the whole class was stranded on an island... Who will you choose to eat first??
Ermmm... I'll rather die of hunger than eat human flesh... Sounds like something in a horror movie.. Can't we just go fishing?? I'm not exactly a cannibal or am I a carnivore type... But I think I'll choose to eat the only vegetarian in our class... Hehehe...
5) If two men proposed to you, which would you choose?? First guy: Handsome but lives in rags... Second guy: Damn ugly (Looks like he has been a mistake) but filthy rich...
Oh hell... I thought of this question and couldn't answer it... In the end I came up with an answer... I'll expect the ugly guy's proposal, then elope with the handsome one together with the rich guy's money... HEHEHE...I doubt if I'll be that lucky...
That's about it... My crappy questions with my lousy answers...
I hope the coming day won't be as boring...
Lousy day...
I think every Thursday is a complete waster of time. Why you may ask... Well that's because today is the day where we have a bunch of crappy lessons: Physics(The teacher is a flop) Moral(Lousy), Modern Math(Teacher is crappy too), Sejarah, (all right but a bit boring larrr), Chemistry(Bloody lesson), Malay(Freaking boring)...
There you go... Lousiest day of the week... ...=.=
Monday, October 13, 2008
... ...nothing much??

Haizzz.... Just came home from school... I only turned on the computer because my mom is not at home... I better not let her find out about this or I'll find myself hanging upside down, hehe...
So... lets get to the pointy point... How many of you guys have ever confessed?? I mean not that you have done anything wrong. But to somebody you l-v-... Haizzz... Bet you have or maybe you haven't...
Well I have something to say based on my painful experience... You better don't unless you are sure the other person won't mind... It's extremely awkward and you end up not speaking to each other...
It wasn't really a huge like-like thing but only a tiny tiny crush... Actually we were playing a game you see, telling the 'players' (There were only 3 of us) who you liked and I ended up in this extremely awkward and tight situation... He kept on bugging me and I couldn't believe it when I really said it?!!!!
Now when I think about it I kinda regret it... I was so dumb!!! Well, it proved one more thing... I am much braver than I think!! Hehe....><
Sunday, October 12, 2008
My terrible, horrible SPM Trial results...
I take 11 subjects...
And I got an A1, 5A2, 2B3, 1C5, 1D7, and worst of all a G!!!!
The A1 is English of course... Duh~~ Those 5A2s are Malay, Moral, History, EST, and Bio... I think I can do better than just get A2s in these 5 subjects...
Then for the Bs, they're Modern Math and Chinese...
As for the C... Chemistry lo...
Then... D... Physics....Haizzz...
The Last one rrr... Guess lo what else...
Haizz... Conclusion?? Bad, Terrible, Horrible, Disaster, Chaos... ... The End of My World...
You may think that asking for full As is a little bit too much for me... But I have to try my best!!! Anyway I got 6As rite???
Hehehe...Jia You!!
Sunday, October 5, 2008
My darling holiday is flying away...

Okay here goes... AARRRGGGGHHHHH!!!!! I have to go back to school again tomorrow!! Can you believe it? One week's holiday can pass by so extremely fast! I can't even remember what I did during the Raya holiday, reading perhaps. All I remember is the tiny voice in my head nagging me to revise and revise... Well tiny voice you can give up now...
Let's see, tomorrow we have Bio(We're getting our test papers!!), English(Definitely the best!), EST, History(... ...boring~~), Moral and Chinese(Hell no)!! That's tomorrow's time table... Lucky me we don't get Additional Math on Monday. And we'll be back to the same old routine again.Wake up at 6am then go to school, sit on a chair until my back is sore and listening to the teachers blah blah blah blah... whatever... The only good thing about school is you get to meet your friends and gossip!!! Yes, yes...
I'm kinda worries bout SPM now... I bet everyone does... That's why I'm starting to revise Biology... Haizzz... But I like to daydream... Think about unnecessary things like oh I dunno, what to write in this blog of mine?? Haha~~
I'm starting school tomorrow again! I don't wanna go...(cries like a baby) I wanna stay at home and sleep... I can't even believe that last week I was moaning about how boring the holiday was... Now I'm doing the exact opposite... Nonono... I llluuuuuvvvvv holidays!!!!!!!!!! Come back no no no don't go!!! (sweat drop)
Well that's it, there goes my sanity, poof!
=.= =.= =.= =.= =.= =.= =.= =.= =.= =.= =.= =.= =.= =.= =.= =.= =.=
Saturday, October 4, 2008
What to give her on her birthday??

Hihi.. I'mmmm bbaaacccckkkkk!!!!!! (get on with it)
Okay okay... Today, my friend is gonna have a birthday party, well it isn't her birthday today actually it was delayed due to the SPM trial exam and stuff. Well anyway, I'm having headache since I have no idea what to get for her?? Stuff toy? No. Teddies? No. Books? No way. Then what? Oh I dunno...
Well then, I decided to give her one of my mom's presents she received from her students. (my mom's a teacher)A mug, doubtlessly made in China... and tiny Donald figurine... I told you I had not the slightest idea what to give her!!!! At least that's better than going to the party empty handed... The whole class will be there!! Yay! That would be fun what with all the jeering and cheering and shouting... I haven't seen my best friend for one whole week!!!
Friday, October 3, 2008
Copied from somewhere and certainly not from me...
Maybe God wants us to meet a few wrong people before meeting the right one, so that when we finally meet the person, we will know how to be grateful
Just because you feel love doesn't mean the other person does!
People are capable of falling in and out of love so if your "true love" turns out to be abusive or makes you cry more than smile, end it and find a healthy person to love.
Remember there are levels of love, and true love is a "CHOICE" and just because someone says they love you doesn't mean they love you. Their actions will tell.
Love is not a feeling. couples who have been married for a considerable amount of time, at least 10 years, can tell you that true love is not a feeling. Feelings tend to come and go; true love shouldn't.
Love can take over your whole life if you are not careful. Let it not take you over, but become a part of who you are. When you think about the person you love it should make you want to be a better person, for them.
Lame Drawin...

That's one of my few drawings... Something bout Christmas?? I know Christmas isn't that soon but I decided to post it after having a debate with the voice inside my head...
Trip 2 KlCc...
Well my dream came true! My mom brought us to KLCC and I bought 6 books that cost up to RM2oo and something... Can you believe that?? Just six books, what are books made of nowadays... Pretty lame dream ain't it. Well I've been longing to buy a few more books to add up to my collection so hehe my lame reason. The books I bought (screams like a stupid fangirl and runs around holding the books in circles) Inkspell, Maximum Ride: The Angel Experiment; School's Out Forever, Thieves Like Us, The Icebound Land and my favourite!!! ARTEMIS FOWL: The Time Paradox!!!!!!!!!!!! OOOlala...
We reached there at about 8am I think... We had breakfast at a shop oh i don't noe the name... Hah, I had a good laugh... My bro and I ordered sandwiches with egg and tuna respectively... My mom shared with us. And my friend Mok Shao Min decided to pay extra for her breakfast and bought pancakes... Well really tiny pancakes and a really really S size egg, jam, butter and 1 strawberry... Well I mean tiny for a mouse... And that big plate with small food cost around RM10!! I laughed the hell out, what a great coice to make!! Hah! At least I enjoyed my breakfast really well...
Hehehehe... Well before my mom, my bro me and Mok went to Kinokuniya... Well my friend's shoe sorta fell apart?? Yup, that's right! It fell apart like Tofu... (bursts into insane laughter) The shoes weren't worn for very long and I think they decided to have a kind of revenge... Bwahahahahahaha... Revenge of the Tofu Shoes!!! And when she walked the pieces started to fall bit by bit... I think you people can imagine that. Then we started searching high and low for a pair of ordinary and not so costly shoes... We went to Parkson and found omigod!!! RM170 for a pair of shoes?? Well designer no doubt but should it be that "cheap"? And then we strolled into Bata then finally she came across a pair "bling bling" shoes...bling bling as in shiny? Like her braces... ... Hahahaha... They really matched I mean teeth and shoes!!! Finally she got her shoes and RM40 something flew away...(The shop was called nose? I think)
Well that's it our extremely short journey... We departed at around 7am by bus and came back at around 3pm, then my friend and I had to go for Physics tuition straight away... Haizzz... Talk about weird... The only sad thing was I didn't get to buy Cherub and Jimmy Coates...and we didn't get to watch a movie... Well you wouldn't die of that would you?? You're right I won't at least I have my darling books...
That's it for now... Bwahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!!!
Thursday, October 2, 2008
Friends of the gang....

What so funny??
Oh let me tell you, these three including me went to the supermarket on Chinese New Year wearing new clothes to buy garlic... Bah! Imagine that. Just because the price was cheap we all decided to bring some back... What do you think??
Don't get carried off...(conscience)
Okay okay don't nag... The introduction...
The one with SHINY braces is Mok Shao Min or Evangelin whatever... In case you guys don't know what are braces, the shiny metal dentists stick on peoples teeth and make them conduct electricity are called braces... Now back to the introduction, she known as the wildboar, sabretooth, tie ya zhu, piggelette, lolling, gam nga gu, and many many more.... Her favourite hobby: fishing(I mean drooping of in class!) and being a jerk imagine that...
The one beside her is my best friend Tay Chai Yee... or otherwise known as Da Bo Yee... Hehehe to those who known the meaning it kinda suits her rite?? Her piano is great at least better than me... And she sings real good I mean not like a professional but real good. She is the gossip queen in our gang, no rumour can be save in her presence... Oh and btw, her math is xtremely goooodddd!!!!!! I envy her math brain coz im lousy in math, hehe >.~
The other one at the back is Lai Sweet Li... Get it Sweet?? She likes cooking but not everything she cooks is successful, her spaghetti for instance and not to mention jelly... For those who know about it, they're a real disaster... She's kinda the little sister in the gang, though she's much older than me... This little girl can be quite the scare sometimes... In fact she owns 2 large, huge doggies... (hears some growlings and backs away saying: nice doggies nice doggies.... Arghh!!) One of them is called Dou Dou the other is... Oh I forgot... Never mind la....
That's it for now bout my friends... Hehehe... They're still single...
what a girl wants, but what most guys don't give!
what a girl wants, but what most guys don't give!
Leave her cute text messages.
Kiss her in front of your friends.
Trust her over everyone else.
Tell her she looks beautiful.
Look her in the eye when you talk to her.
Tell her stupid jokes to make her laugh.
Let her mess with your hair.
Mess with HER hair.
Just walk around with her.
Include her in most things you do.
When she cries do whatever to make her smile.
Forgive her for her mistakes.
Look at her like she’s the only girl you see.
Tickle her even if she says stop.
Hold her hand even when you are around your friends.
When she starts swearing at you tell her you love her.
Let her fall asleep in your arms.
Get her mad, then kiss her.
Tease her and let her tease you back.
Stay up with her all night when she’s sick.
Watch her favorite movie.
Give her the world.
Let her wear your clothes.
When she’s sad, hang out with her.
Let her know she is important.
Let her take all the photos of you whenever she wants.
Kiss her in the rain.
And when you fall in love with her, tell her.
And when you do tell her.. Love her like you never loved before.
copied from Asma...
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Holiday = No holiday
But however (sobs and wipes away a tear) I want to go to Kinokuniya to buy books!!! My darling story books!!!! I wanna buy Cherub: The Sleepwalker and The General, Jimmy Coates and Artemis Fowl! Now I can't because of my mom... she decided that going to KL is a waste of time and precious money, cheh stingy...
Now I have to stay at home and revise and revise and revise and revise until I drop dead. Haizzz... I know I know my big exam is coming up but I can't concentrate... Argh!!!!!!! I hate math...
So... As a conclusion, I am left to rott at home.
A monologue with my conscience:
Me: I wanna wanna wanna buy books!!
Conscience: No you can't!
Me: Why not?
Conscience: You're wasting money!
Me: So what?? I like to read. Unless you open a bookstore for me this instance I might
reconsider the idea...
Conscience: Well, I kinda like the idea about you as in me rotting at home and revising until
you drop dead makes an awful lot of improvement... doesn't it??
Me: Does not! >.<
Conscience: Does too!
Me: Does not!!
Conscience: Does too!!
Me: Does not!!!
Conscience: Does too!!!
... ... An arguement with myself... Ha one of the symptoms of going crazy(mengamuk)hehe
5sn picture