Thursday, October 16, 2008

Friggin Hot Weather...

I dunno whether it's just me or is the weather getting hotter and hotter... Is it??

Yesssssss!!!! It is!!!! I can't believe the temperature nowadays!!! It's much much higher than 30 degree celcius I bet... Is this the effect of global warming?? Or is earth gonna end up like the sun??

The temperature and weather sucks here... Well everything sucks here... lol...

I sweat a lot, more than an average person at least... You may even find me perspiring in the wee hours of the morning. I'm a sweaty kind of person... But now?? You can find me drenched in sweat e~v~e~r~y~d~a~y~!!! There are always sweat patches on my school pinafore and every T-shirt that I wear... It's like we're living in a microwave oven and I'm always sweating like a pig!!! Say, can't we turn the sun off??

Nowadays, we have to turn the fan to the highest speed and risk wasting away precious electricity... So what's my point?? My point is, stop illegal deforestation!!! Ban open burning!!! And dish out severe penalties to the offenders!!! I mean it!!! I'm not bluffing, cross my heart, drop a toenail in my coke! This is serious, global warming, extinctions, greenhouse effect, acid rain...Everything and we humans are the cause of it... Sooner or later we might be living in a rubbish dump with heat in the air, and the whole planet might be swallowed up and turned into a dessert... So?? Yes or no?? I'm not really an environmentalist or something, I just care about my precious life...

Someone try inventing a switch and turning off the sun, yes??

Sssssssooooooo hhhhhhhhhhhhhooooooooottttttttttttttttttt!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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