Friday, October 17, 2008



1. What is the difference between Mulch and Holly?
About 60 pounds.

2. How does Mulch take a bubble bath?
He goes digging through clay, about an hour in advance.

3. What do you get when you drop a piano on Trouble Kelp?
A flat major.

4. How do you make a centaur go ‘woof’?
Soak it in petrol and light it.

5. What is the thinnest book in the world?
Troll Psychology.

6. Why did Opal cross the road?
Forget the road!! How did she escape the LEP again???

7. What do you get when you cross an elf and a rhino?

8. What do you get if you cross Commander Root and Captain Holly Short?

9. What do you do if you find a troll in your bed?
Sleep somewhere else.

I got them from this website:

Enjoying the Time Paradox~~

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